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Headshot Session
60 mins
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Jerome Pollos
Jerome Pollos
Headshot Session
60 mins
With Jerome Pollos
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Choose a date and time for your Headshot Session with Jerome PollosJerome Pollos
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Headshot Session
With Jerome Pollos
- 60 mins
- America/Los_Angeles
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Confirm the proposed time & date for your Headshot Session with Jerome Pollos
Headshot Session With
Jerome Pollos
Time & date
You Did It!
Thank you for scheduling your headshot session.
I'll go through and confirm the date and time and then let you know we're all set within 24 hours.
Be sure to bring your latest headshot with you as well as your favorite one from the past. This will help the collaboration process.
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to working with you.
Your Booking Details:
Headshot Session
With Jerome Pollos
- 60 mins
- America/Los_Angeles
You Did It!
Thank you for scheduling your headshot session.
I'll go through and confirm the date and time and then let you know we're all set within 24 hours.
Be sure to bring your latest headshot with you as well as your favorite one from the past. This will help the collaboration process.
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to working with you.
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Jerome Pollos
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Fill out your Headshot Questionnaire questionnaire below
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Review and confirm the details below based on your selected options
Jerome Pollos
Due on Booking
By clicking "Accept Proposal" and typing in your name, you are creating a legally binding contract between the other party and yourself, or the entity you are authorized to represent.
Accept Proposal
Questions? Email me or call me at (208) 329-8992
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Jerome Pollos
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Jerome Pollos
Thank You
Thank you for taking the time to complete the booking proposal, but most of all thank you for choosing CDA Headshots.
Now that that's all done with you can focus your efforts on getting some of the details organized.
I'll sign the contract too and then begin the groundwork for to ensure your session is a successful one for you. You will receive an email shortly that will provide some helpful tips in preparing for your session.
Again, thank you and I look forward to collaborating with you. I you have any questions you can contact me directly at or by calling me at (208) 329-8992.
Thanks again,